Teodoro Criscione

Year of Enrollment: 
2018 to 2025

Since my BA in Development Economics, I have been studying community-led sustainable development projects, deeply devoting my research to community self-reliance, empowerment, and resilience. In particular, I am interested in such projects adopting economic, monetary and financial innovations, such as social, community and complementary currency systems. Since 2014 and 2015, I have been working as a volunteer for the IJCCR (International Journal on Community Currency Systems) and RAMICS (Research Association Monetary Innovation Community and Complementary Currency Systems)  During my MSc in Economics, I had the opportunity to study Complexity Economics and Economic Networks. Finally, I concluded my Master with a final dissertation entitled "multilayer social network with revealed homophily", where I tried to suggest an algorithm to predict online (and offline) behavior of individuals. I am a member of the research team CCUBI-NetFi at Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS)

Blog posts by or about Teodoro on What's Up at DNDS:

Design Patterns of Social Bots

A Robust Network Design for Synchromodal Freight Transportation

Comparison of Information Spreading on Sina Weibo and Twitter Network


MSc, Economics, University of Siena
BA, Development Economics, University of Florence
