University Systems
- SITS - course registration (both taught and non-taught courses)
- TimeEdit Study Guide - course descriptions (taught courses only!)
- TimeEdit Viewer - schedules (courses, programs, departments) Login with SSO, CEU email address required
- E-Learning (Moodle) - course materials and assigments
Course Registration
Students are required to complete their course registration through the CEU e:Vision Portal (SITS) during the registration period of each term, as indicated in the Academic Calendar, as well as in the Student Records Manual. Students are also encouraged to plan their whole year in advance and enroll in all chosen courses for the whole academic year during the first registration period. Enrolling for a course through its e-learning site (Moodle) does not substitute registration via CEU e:Vision Portal.
Check course content in the Study Guide.
Check course schedules in the TimeEdit Viewer.
Course Dropping
An elective course may be dropped through the e:Vision Portal free of charge until the end of the registration period. After the course registration closes, elective courses may be added or dropped no later than the first two 100-minute sessions of each course by the Student Affairs Coordinator or the Student Records Office and a fee of 15 EUR applies. Administrative Fail (AF) will be assigned for failure to either drop or complete the course, or change it to audit, before the registration period ends.