The Center for Network Science sent a large group of participants to Tel Aviv for this year's NetSciX, the subject's flagship winter conference. In addition to hearing keynote luminaries like Sandy Pentland, Lada Adamic, and Sune Lehman, the group shared their results and work in progress. Students David Deritei, Orsolya Vasarhelyi, and Johannes Wachs, postdoctoral fellow Ancsa Hannak, and professors Roberta Sinatra and Janos Kertesz presented work in conference sessions ranging from social and political networks to biological networks. Affiliated professor Albert-Laszlo Barabasi regaled the conference on his work with colleagues on the science of success at the conference dinner In the heart of the old town of Jaffa. Another highlight was a conference sponsored trip to Jerusalem, complete with guided tour. Of course we also spent some time at the beach, at the famous Carmel market, and all-in-all eating way too much hummus.
Written by Johannes Wachs