Hao Cui

Year of Enrollment: 
2018 to 2022

I am interested in building mathematical models to solve real world problems. Since undergraduate studies, I have gained mathematical modeling experiences during participation in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and the summer camp in Chinese Academy of Sciences. During MSc study, many of my research and project experiences have been in an area closely aligned with machine learning of high-dimensional data. My Master's thesis is on learning Bayesian network structure from data. Currently, I am interested in understanding hot topics propagation, popularity prediction and ranking in social media network such as Sina Weibo, the “Twitter of China”.

Blog posts by or about Hao on What's Up at DNDS:

Attention Dynamics on Sina Weibo during COVID-19 Pandemic

1st Place for Team With CEU DNDS Student in Microsoft Hackathon #Hack4ideas

Methods for Analyzing Multimedia Data (CSS Summer School, Berlin)

Comparison of Information Spreading on Sina Weibo and Twitter Network

Threshold Driven Contagion on Weighted Networks


MSc, Mathematics, Eötvös Loránd University
BSc, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, China University of Geosciences

