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Social Data Science Student Hackathon 2022

October 14, 2022
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The Department of Network and Data Science is organizing a 48-hour online social data science student hackathon between November 11-13, 2022. We welcome BA/BSc and highschool students who are interested in both social issues and programming. We provide a data set at the kickoff that participants can use to create infographics or develop a machine learning pipeline to solve a given problem.

Modified Heider Balance on Erdős-Rényi Networks

September 13, 2022

A new paper out by our PhD Candidate Sina Sajjadi in Physical Review E: https://journals.aps.org/pre/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevE.106.034309.

Júlia Perczel Wins Best Dissertation Award

September 6, 2022
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The Department of Network and Data Science would like to extend its warmest congratulations to Júlia Perczel, who received the Best Dissertation Award in AY 2021/2022 for her doctoral dissertation titled, “Understanding the Transforming Power-Dynamics in the Global Art Field by Bringing Together Territorial and Social Interaction-Based Approaches” (supervisor: Balázs Vedres). Júlia earned her MA degree in Art History and Social and Organizational Psychology at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.

Quantifying the Impact of Context on the Quality of Manual Hate Speech Annotation

August 29, 2022
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New paper by Petra Kralj Novak in Natural Language Engineering. Read the article here.