Lisette Espín Noboa

Postdoctoral Fellow

Contact information

Vienna, Quellenstrasse 51


In January 2021, I joined the DNDS Department at CEU as a PostDoc to work on the BigData++ EU project. I've be working together with Márton Karsai and János Kertész on understanding the interplay between socio-economical status, social networks and mobility networks in cities. In particular, we are building a framework to infer the wealth index of a place by leveraging satellite images from Google Maps and Google Earth, infrastucture from OpenStreetMap and OpenCelliD, and population and mobility networks from Facebook Data for Good. The goal is to provide accurate ML models when rich information is available, but also propose interventions to preserve high accuracy when features are missing. 


In Winter 2017, I joined Mark Musen's lab at the BMIR Department at Stanford to study how users navigate ontologies. In the summers of 2017 and 2018, I joined Kristina Lerman's lab at ISI-USC to work on explaining biases in relational classification.


Previoulsy, I was a Research Assistant at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences working on my PhD. thesis about "Edge Formation and its influence on Machine Learning". My research focused on the effects of network structure on ranking, network inference and human navigation. I worked together with Claudia Wagner, Markus Strohmaier, Fariba Karimi, Florian Lemmerich and Philipp Singer. My PhD. defense will be in early 2021 at the University of Koblenz-Landau. 

I did my Master's in Computer Science at the University of Saarland, in Saarbrücken. In my thesis I proposed a technique to infer topical context of tweets, trending topics and hashtags without using the actual text. Instead, my approach leveraged users' expertise to the derive a word cloud of topics from the people using those tweets (or TT or hashtags). I worked together with Krishna Gummadi, Juhi Kulshrestha, Bilal Zafar and Saptarshi Gosh.

I got an Engineer's degree in Computer Science at Escuela Superior del Litoral (ESPOL) in Guayaquil, Ecuador. I joined Centro de Tecnologias de Informacion (CTI) as a developer and research assistant to work in several projects including my bachelor's thesis, an Online Social Network based on Liferay, under the supervision of Xavier Ochoa. During this time I also launched my own software development company neoBOX S.A., where I was the President and CTO until 2020.


Doctor of Natural Science, University of Koblenz-Landau
Master in Computer Science, University of Saarland
Engineer in Computer Science, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL)

Projects with involvement of Lisette Espín Noboa