Jan Bachmann

Year of Enrollment: 

I received my M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from RWTH Aachen University where I conducted multiple projects at the chair of Computational Social Sciences and Humanities led by Markus Strohmaier. In my master thesis I compared causal inference algorithms and applied them to music streaming data to identify hidden temporal dependencies across the listening behaviour of different countries.

Currently my research interest lies in the crossing point of data science and social science. In particular, I am interested in analysing how minorities are represented in social networks and how this might lead to biases and inequalities towards these minorities. By combining methods from network modelling, machine learning and data science, I hope to find a new perspective on this problem.

Besides my studies at CEU I am also working in the Network Inequality group at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna.


BSc, Scientific Programming, University of Applied Sciences Aachen (Aachen - Germany)
MSc, Computer Science, RWTH Aachen University (Aachen - Germany)